These days America is looking bleak,
Revolution’s in the air, can’t you tell?
It’s time Americans stood up to speak.
We’re getting tired taking it on the cheek,
Hussein’s incompetence is our death knell,
These days America is looking bleak.
Freedom is being eroded each week.
Look’s like we’re in for a very long spell,
It’s time Americans stood up to speak.
Talking nonsense to us is his technique,
And each day all his cool words start to smell,
These days America is looking bleak.
We won the election he almost shrieks,
And the constitution we bid farewell,
It’s time Americans stood up to speak.
Come next November we will end his streak,
Conservative Congress will be his hell.
These days America is looking bleak,
It’s time Americans stood up to speak.
©July 30, 2010 /Jerry Pat Bolton