Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Gathering Cloud

I can see it hovering
this gathering cloud of mine
patiently waiting for its time
it knows the time is close at hand
no rush
it will know when to come

for almost a year it has waited
uncomplainingly, biding its time
understanding the nature of the game
is to gather all the bad things
I have done
the bad things done to me
bad things

that is when it likes to come and torment
giving an eye for an eye
tooth for tooth
how you like it motherfucker
when I give you something you won't be able to handle

it has tried to come before
succeeded to an extent
but not really because I was too strong
not now
I am weak and it knows it
its coming
this is just fact

so, it has finally come to this
I find myself alone with my mutt
my wife ten feet away in a box
still haven't gotten a vase
I find I miss her so much more than I knew I could
I'm not complaining
life is life
it does with you as it sees fit

but I have fucking news for that gathering cloud
I ain't that weak yet, buster
get lost
not today
not tomorrow
not ever
you are not welcomed in my life, I am not that weak

©January 23, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton

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