Monday, August 2, 2010


I was a stranger in a strange land,
Walking the city streets of pain,
From normal life I had been banned,
I was wearing shackles and chains.

What would I do, where would I go?
Defeat was in the air that day.
My soul the devil surely owed,
Dark clouds hovered o'er me; I was prey.

Oh, my deep down was low alright,
Couldn't go back, future looked bleak,
No one to share my pitiful plight,
Then you looked at me and did speak.

Your Texas twang gave me a smile,
You were taken by my blue eyes.
I came to love your down to earth style,
You chased all the clouds from the sky.

Tho my demons were still with me,
They were pushed on the back burner.
We loved, we laughed in old Big "D,"
I was happy because of her.

It lasted awhile, but no more,
My demons came back; hers did too.
We soon were fighting our own war,
All we could do was say adieu.

©August 2, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton

1 comment:

  1. Been there, done that - got the lawyer bills to prove it. But I wouldn't go back and change it if I could. When your best friend is the Devil, you take bites of heaven where and when you find them.
