Friday, August 6, 2010


Original form of poetry I call "Septcouplet;" from Septette (A set of seven similar things considered as a unit) and couplet (Two successive lines of verse forming a unit marked usually by rhythmic correspondence, rhyme.) The Septcouplet consists of seven free-style verses, with six lines each, no syllable count. After each verse there are two lines which rhyme, with four syllables to each line. The style is lowercase, except for proper names, punctuation when needed inside the lines, but none at the end of lines.

hot summer puffs of air
gives fair warning of a far-off storm
floating just out of reach
and touch
but there nonetheless
eating whatever it can on its way

I pen this note
Bonnie’s remote

an ogre
with the wrath of humidity
here in the sub-tropics
ninety-five, going on heatstroke
can't walk my mutt
round the block anymore

oh, she gives out
half block, no doubt

I walk with a cane
for protection
from animals and huminals
when I heard complaints of heat
wanted to break the cane
over their heads

they hated cold
so I was told

summertime living is easy
they sang all winter long
bull hockey
can't take enough clothes off
when you're frying
winter you just grab a heavier coat

dress for the day
that's what I say

crude floating in the gulf
smothering everything it clings to
bad management
top to bottom
BP bad
White House worse

two months it’s been
politic spin

hurricane season now upon us
nature upping the ante
weather channel soothsayers
vomit out the terrible news
gonna be bad
the storms are a-coming

tho not much fun
I've yet to run

©August 6, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton


  1. I like this pieces and style you have created to tell the tale. My first ex was from N.O., so I know more than I need to know about that LA heat. Good work.

  2. Thank you Mike, I appreciate your comments. I see you have a closed site. I never could quite understand that, but to each his own.
